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Message from the Dean

Welcome to School of Information Science and Technology (SIST) Yunnan Normal University. Established in 1997, SIST provides students and teachers a stimulating environment that amalgamates the best of educational traditions. SIST draws its faculty and staff of 111 from leading universities ranging from China to the world. It currently has about 1200 enrolled undergraduate students and 150 enrolled graduated students.

Step inside SIST and you’ll find a hub of academic innovation inspired by and suited for our information-driven world. You’ll find remarkable students gaining critical knowledge and key insights. Passionate faculty delivers students hands-on lessons and hard-earned scientific research and engineering development experiences. Dedicated academic advisors build close connections with our students and make them high confident, pave them the way for new opportunities and successes. Many systems and facilities are designed for collaboration and creativity.

SIST strongly emphasizes all education programs and research fields on the interdisciplinarity that integrate computer and information science across academic fields and industries. Scientific research is also emphasized to bring creative and innovative ability to our students. Special courses are deigned to prepare students to walk into the company and to be able to contribute to the development of the company and society.

SIST has strong links with some relevant schools of universities and some leading research centers of in China and in the USA, UK, Singapore, Japan, Australia and Canada. These collaborations bring students and faculty fresh mind and thoughts.

Please take a few moments to look at the information on our website (http://cic.ynnu.edu.cn/) for more details.  Thank you!

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